
Suzanne Cockroft

Butler Snow Advisory Services, LLC (BSA) is pleased to announce the addition of Suzanne McKay Cockroft as director in the firm’s Ridgeland office. She brings more than 14 years of experience in communications, business development, marketing and brand management.

“Suzanne’s addition to the team further expands the range of services BSA can provide to clients,” said Matt Thornton, BSAS president and chief executive officer. “Her expertise will be a tremendous asset, both internally and externally, as the team continues to grow.”

Cockroft most recently served Butler Snow LLP, the parent company of BSA, in roles as diverse as digital creative and website development, project management, public relations and internal communications, business development and proposal and pricing strategies.

Throughout her career, Cockroft has developed and executed comprehensive marketing plans, including strategies related to digital, social and traditional media outlets. She has advised businesses in various stages from start-ups and early-stage companies on product and service launches to mature firms on market entry and penetration strategies.

Cockroft is a cum laude graduate of The University of Mississippi where she earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism with an emphasis in public relations. In 2012, she completed studies for a MBA and was graduated, magna cum laude, from Mississippi State University.

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